Saturday, October 18, 2008

Self Care, Balance,Change, and Standing Still in the chaos

Self Care: The act of truly caring for ones self as difficult as that may be on some days. It comes with honesty, speaking up, speaking out, follow through and some sort of movement.

My life has been in a cycle of change and introspection lately. And I got to do an additional hook pull in August. I will report on that in another post to try to keep some semblance of it all making sense.

My own self care now includes working out at the gym at leat three times a week and one day with a trainer. I finally saw a naturopath and she had some amazing things to tell me about myself and put me on some supplements that seem to have made some difference. Massage about once a week and I had one month off from work over the summer. That was probably the most amazing thing I have experienced in many years. Yes, I do have a real that is intense and that I have been doing for about 10 years. I honestly can't remember the last time I had one month to myself. It was the best!

I got in a fair amount of riding over the summer but the most curious thing happened. I finally changed out the foot pegs for some cool looking foot boards and that changed the way I sat on the bike. Though it helped so much with the lower half of my body, now I am dealing with sore shoulders, sore neck and numb hands much sooner on a long ride then ever before. I can't help but wonder if the body shift with the new boards has been just enough to make the upper half of my body sitting at the wrong angle. I think someone should open a business that handles the ergonomics of motorcycle comfort.

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