Saturday, June 25, 2005

Its been too long since I last wrote

And a lot has been going on! I'm not even sure where to start.
Tomorrow is My 51st birthday and I am reminded of last year's celebration for My 50th. I am also celebrating coming out as a Leather Woman and a Bisexual Leather Woman. I have met some incredible women recently and have been to quite a few events that were women only or women centered events.

I went to the Queering Feminity Conference and was asked to be a presenter. The name of My workshop was: Safer Sex: Bringing the focus back to women. Not really a "queering feminity" workshop, but one that I feel is important. I'm noticing that there is not enough negotiation surrounding sexual activity among women.

In the gay men's community, it has become a social norm for them to negotiate the use of barriers during sexual encounters to keep each other safe from STD's. This is not the case in the Lesbian/Bi community and there is research that suggests that STD's such as Herpes and Human Papalloma Virus are spreading through oral sexual contact among women.

So, about 8 women showed up for My workshop. Am I surprised? NO! This is exactly why I wanted to present. Women really don't think they are affected and I hope to change that misperception.

We did have a great exchange about why it is so difficult to have safer sex discussions with current partners. Why is it tougher to use a dental damn than a condom? And there was a great discussion about Herpes and how its spread.

Life has been very busy for Me on a personal basis....................its those fabulous women that I have been meeting! I want to go spend more time getting to know them, so I'll have to write more later but I'll try to be better at keeping up. See...........even the Mistress needs some discipline in a few areas of her life ;)