Saturday, October 27, 2007

Current Wishlist-Christmas is Coming Boys/Bois

I have a WishList in two different locations. One is posted at My website

and the other was recently created at MetaWishList

Not sure why those links are not working so here are the web pages you need to do your shopping:

Christmas is coming and I am always asked "what do you want for Christmas Mistress?" Well, I always hem and haw with this question but this year, I am taking a different turn. I have decided that there are a few things that I yearn of those things is to be spoiled and treated like the Pillow Queen that I am. The other things that I yearn for are on both of these lists.

Call Me or send Me an email for details on how to deliver your gift. Of course, I would most enjoy a personal delivery so I can thank you properly *evil grin*.

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Wicked Womyn Report

Well, all I can say is, if you are a womyn and you weren't there----why the hell not? And if you are a bio man----sorry buddy, this is girl play.

Can you say amazing? Can we all say amazing? I'm not saying that just because I worked My tail off helping to plan this thing, I am saying it because its true. We got some very positive feedback from our "elders" who have been playing longer than you and I have been around. Our "Old Guard" as we call it in the kink community.

Personally, I was in charge of Hospitality and we wowed 'em. I had a super crew helping Me out in the kitchen and at the information desk back at the hotel. I'd say the only thing that didn't really work out was the transportation back to the hotel. There was no easy way to accomplish getting 200 women, their toy bags and their submissives back to their hotel at 2am. I tried to arrange for shuttles and taxi's but it just sort of fell apart. Everyone seemed to survive the 1 block walk and thankfully there was no rain or cold weather for the entire weekend.

My pirate costume was great! I ended up with two pirate hats and only wore one. I found these adorable black and white striped hose at target for about 4 bucks, a pair of capri pants with buttons on the cuffs, my biker boots, my pirate hat and my old Renn bodice and a shirt that I found at Old Navy for six bucks. The final pirate hat that I found at the costume store was 12 bucks so I got off cheap for the pirate outfit. However, I did find a corset that I fell in love with and had to have! Its made of raw silk and has purple and fushia panels and when I tried it on, everyone in the room agreed that it looked like it was made for Me. I got a great deal on it and I'll take a picture of it the next time I wear it. If you want Me to wear it during our session, just make the request and you can help the Mistress put it on.

I didn't get to play that much so when I did, I did it up right. I played with a lovely couple who were here from Portland and we had a grand time. They took care of the Mistress alright ;)That was Saturday night......after the entertainment.

On Sunday evening I did a little needle scene with a lovely young lady and we had fun. I had glued some little Ninja Men from Archie McPhee's into the hubs so they looked like they were crawling up her breasts. I also did some black and red feathers in her breast tissue. It was her second play piercing scene and she took 24 needles. She should be proud! I flogged and spanked a couple of people but I had purposely left My dance card pretty wide open anticipating being very busy with Hospitality but available for some impromptu scenes. And that is exactly what happened Sunday night.

One of My good friends asked Me if I'd be interested in taking an absurd amount of needles in a very quick and dirty fashion. This has become somewhat of a Wicked Womyn tradition. Last year, this friend took 400 needles and we pulled them all out at once. Of course, being the dedicated volunteer that I am, I jumped at the chance and we proceeded to negotiate the scene. It would be somewhere between 200 and 3oo needles, administered by 3 delicious women in the shortest amount of time. I mean, they timed it.

I got myself as mentally prepared as I could, it was the last night of the conference and I thought, what the hell, why not! After having an orgasm on stage the night before, there wasn't much I wouldn't be willing to try. I will NOT eat weird looking, alive bugs for My tribe though. Thats a limit for Me.

So, they began. Using 25g, 23g, and 22g it wasn't half bad. Then we ran out of the smaller gauge needles and they began using 20g. And for some reason the last few times that I've done piercing My left breast area is just angry and much more uncomfortable than the right side. True to that, when she started poking Me with the 20's on the left side, well, I was doing a lot of outloud processing. What that means is that I was yelling, growling, crying, squeezing My butt cheeks and anything else to get through it. Needles were going in My back, My arms and My chest/breast tissue all at once. I had to take a slight break and they stopped the clock. I had some OJ, rearranged My head space and told them they could continue. It was getting tougher and tougher. Finally she said "okay, five more each and she's done." During those 15 needles (5 needles X 3 people) I had to really reach down into My core to handle it and I cut loose with some pretty intense guttural responses and tears that I am not sure where they came from.

We ended up with 256 needles in 20 minutes. I MADE them count each one. Once they were in and I had a moment to survey the situation and My surroundings, I realized just how gorked out I was on Endorphins, and hey, we still have to pull them all out. So then began the discussion of taking them out. I'm a bleeder and My friend knows I am a very heavy bottom and I get off on her twisting and turning the needles before she pulls them out. She wanted to do two twists and then pull them out by the handfulls. Six hands grabbing all the needles they can, twisting them and then pulling them out was quite the experience. I'm told that the blood spurting all at once was an incredible sight. I can only imagine because it dropped Me to My knees.

It took about a week to recover from that scene and Wicked Womyn in general but I still have some bruises and its been two weeks. Like any good bottom, I like to admire My bruises. Reminds Me that I was a warrior, if only for 20 minutes.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I seem to have a real knack

for picking people to date who are emotionally unavailable or just not interested in pursuing a "real" relationship. Everyone in the community seems to already have a primary partner or is "just dating" which translates into: I'm just hanging out with you until my true love walks through the door. Gee, thanks.

Poly does NOT mean "I just want to fuck endlessly and don't really want to develop a long special relationship with you".

What it DOES mean is that I believe that I have the capacity to develop loving, romantic relationships with more than one person at a time. Shit, I can't even find one that is available to try this stuff out with.

I have many choices for play partners but very limited choices for a primary, longterm, romantic partnership and it fucking sucks. The fish pond that I have to pick from is small (kinky) smaller (lesbian) smallest (understands Poly). I'm not havin much luck here.
